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Enon UMC is 100% donation funded, and all your generous donations and tithes are tax deductible to the extent permitted by federal law. Your donations and tithes, in part, support many Ministries, UMC “Special Sundays” (scroll down), and UMC Connectional Giving commitments (scroll down). For your convenience, we are pleased to offer the following methods of supporting Enon UMC:

- The PayPal Giving Fund website or the PayPal Giving Fund QR Code at right. Specifics:
- Donors need a PayPal account to donate–easy to sign up
- Donors may use credit cards (link to PayPal account)
- No PayPal fees for donors or Enon UMC
- Donations are not passed to Enon UMC in real time; distribution may be delayed up to 45 days
- Donors are encouraged to retain PayPal receipts for tax time as PayPal Giving Fund donations are anonymous and not included in Enon UMC end-of-year donation reports
- Donations via PayPal Giving Fund are handled as general donations/tithes; no Enon UMC mission areas can be funded through this portal
- Worship collection plates passed during Sunday services
- Dropping off at the Enon UMC Administrative Office during office hours
- Mailing donations/tithes
- Please make checks payable to “Enon UMC” and mail to: Enon UMC Administrative Office, 135 S Harrison St, Enon OH 45323
- Your bank may offer free electronic checks! No postage fees! Recurring donation options!

- Shop at Kroger! If you are a Kroger shopper, you can support Enon UMC simply by shopping. It’s easy! Click to learn how!
- Special donation: Please clearly indicate on the check or donation envelope what portion of the donation is for special activities, such as Growing Knights, Prayer Shawl Ministry, items noted below, etc.
- Special Sundays: Identify if any portion of your donation on a Special Sunday is to support that Special Sunday. Special Sundays are six UMC-wide special offerings which support ministries touching lives all around the globe:
- Human Relations Day (January–Sunday before MLK Day)
- Native American Ministries Sunday (April–3rd Sunday of Easter)
- Peace with Justice Sunday (May–1st Sunday after Pentecost)
- UMCOR Sunday (March or April–4th Sunday of Lent)
- UM Student Day (November–last Sunday of the month)
- World Communion Sunday (October–first Sunday of the month)
Enon UMC also gives in support of the larger United Methodist Church’s Connectional Giving program.
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 2/5/2024