Lay Servant

Enon UMC Laity: Jesus washing feet of man in jeans

Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet — John 13:14 (NIV)

Within Enon UMC, the Lay Leader oversees Lay Servants. According to the Book of Discipline, a person serving in this role “… is a professing member of a local church … who desires to serve the Church and who knows and is committed to Scripture … and who has received specific training to witness to the Christian faith through spoken communication, to lead within a church and community, and to provide caring ministry.” The video below, originally narrated by Tracy Chambers, provides a brief overview. Our current West Ohio Conference Lay Servant Ministries Director is Kathy Moore. provides a brief overview.

Jesus taught us to love one another, to care for each other, and to bring the good news to the world.  This ministry is our United Methodist system for lay leadership development. The United Methodist Church established three categories for laypersons in the area of lay servant ministries to develop, prepare, and engage principled Christian Leaders for the mission of making disciples for the transformation of the world.  Categories include certified lay servant,  certified lay speaker,  and certified lay minister as certifications. To learn more, see the “Called by God to Serve” brochure. For specifics about requirements, refer to this chart.

Are you ready to answer God’s calling for you as a lay servant leader?  Talk with our Lay Leader. To start the journey, you’ll fill out an application. Once it is approved, you’ll then complete some training. After you are certified, you’ll find lots of resources in the Lay Servant Ministries Course Descriptions and Equipping Resources catalog.

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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 2/4/2024