Reaching Beyond Our Walls

Enon UMC is connected, committed, and in community! Whether down the street at Greenon or across the globe in North Katanga, Enon UMC extends the love, grace, and hope of Jesus to the least, the last, and the lost as we humbly serve Him in today’s world.
“Reaching Beyond Our Walls” is how we put the UMC concept of “outreach ministries” into practice. Per the Book of Discipline, para 252(2)(b): “The outreach ministries of the church shall give attention to local and larger community ministries of compassion, justice, and advocacy. These ministries include church and society, global ministries, higher education and campus ministry, health and welfare, Christian unity and interreligious concerns, religion and race, and the status and role of women.” Outreach includes not only the ministries we support (below), but also mission apportionments.
Depending upon needs and desires of our numerous volunteers, one can lead a ministry, be part of a ministry team, or even start a new ministry–we flex to meet our volunteers where their passions intersect with our ministries. Join us in reaching beyond our walls!
- Adopt-a-Family Auction
- Enon Apple Butter Festival Bean Soup Booth
- Enon Emergency Relief (EER)
- Enon Library (Vanderglas Fund)
- Festival of Sharing
- Growing Knights
- Human Relations Day
- Karen Chrisley Scholarship
- Mitten Tree
- Music Camp
- Native American Ministries Sunday
- Peace with Justice Sunday
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Pregnancy Resource Clinic
- Rummage Sale
- Trunk-or-Treat
- UM Student Day
- UMCH Family Services
- UMCOR Sunday
- West Ohio Conference Mission Apportionments
- Wonder Wreath
- World Communion Sunday
Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 7/28/2024