
Leadership Team 2024
The purpose of the Enon UMC Leadership Team is to equip and empower Enon UMC to do the ministry of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. In addition to our Pastor, the other 11 members below are appointed annually by the congregation:
Chair: Suzie Clendenin (email Lead Team Chair)
Congregational Advocates: Mike Castin, Jeff Collingsworth, Amanda Sillaman
Financial Secretary: Mike Bennett
Lay Leader/Lay Member to Annual Conference: Kathy Ranft (Learn more! Lay Leader)
Pastor: Heather Husted
Pillar Advocate, Fanning the Flame: Emily Mohr
Pillar Advocate, Reaching Beyond Our Walls: Bill Crist
Pillar Advocate, Tending God’s House: Dave Norman (Learn more! Trustees)
Staff-Parish Relations: Terre Todd
Treasurer: Paula Wieser (email Treasurer)
Other Leadership
Administrative Assistant: Sharee Nieder
Certified Lay Servant: Kathy Ranft
EUMC Historian: VACANT–Volunteer today!
Payroll Clerks: Sharee Neider, Terre Todd
Pillar: Fanning the Flame (led by Emily Mohr and Pastor Heather Husted)
- Bereavement Committee: Sherry Bostick (Learn more! Bereavement Committee)
- Bible Studies: Pastor Heather Husted
- Congregational Care: Pastor Heather Husted, Pastor Jeff Mohr, Carol Watchorn
- Hospitality Room: Ruth Stuart
- Kids’ Connection Ministry: Patti and Emily Mohr (Leaders), Rhonda Crist, Danita Ferryman, Bill Howard, Kari Howard, Allison Hundley, Stacey Hundley, Don Leonard, Kathy Ranft, Linda Skinner, Tami Smith, Terre Todd, Lin Tranter, Sophie Whittaker (Learn more! Kids’ Connection)
- Membership Secretary: Sharee Nieder
- Memorial Committee: Bill and Keri Howard (co-Chairs), Mike Castin, Gina Marie Clonch, Janice Lower (Learn more! Memorial)
- Nursery Coordinator: Vickie Nickles (Learn more! Nursery)
- Spiritual Gifts Seminar: Kathy Ranft
- Sunday School: Tami Smith, Lin Tranter
Pillar: Proclaiming the Word (led by Pastor Heather Husted)
- Acolytes: Pastor Heather Husted and Dave Norman
- Audio-Visual Team: Mike Bennett (Live Stream Lead), Mike Ranft (Audio Lead), Dave Case, Lori Glaze, Sharee Nieder, Dave Norman, Kurt Skinner, Paula Wieser
- Chancel Choir: David Kestner (Music Director), April Bennett, Paul Holcomb, Rick Hughes, Rachel Kestner, Don Leonard, Pastor Jeff Mohr, Alaina Puderbaugh, Rich Rigsbee, Bill Tranter, Carol Watchorn, Bill Weldon, Sophie Whittaker, Paula Wieser (Learn more! Chancel Choir)
- Communion Stewards: Heidi Rigsbee (Lead), Jeff and Kris Collingsworth, Larry Fielding, Kari Howard, Rick Hughes, Don and Jane Leonard, Barb Markeson, Jo Ann Sillaman, Jim and Kay Smith, Tami Smith, Terre Todd, Carol Watchorn
- Counting Team: Nancy Day, Sue Scott, Fern Thielen, Lin Tranter, Judy Webb
- Handbell Choir: Bill Howard (Director), April Bennett, Danita Ferryman, Paul Holcomb, Pastor Heather Husted, David Kestner, Don Leonard, Amy Whitehill
- Parament Stewards: Nancy Day
- Pianist: Amy Whitehill
- Praise Team: Alex Mohr (Leader), Tim Clendenin, Emily Mohr, Pastor Jeff Mohr, Gary Nieder, Bill Weldon, David Weldon, Amy Whitehill (Learn more! Praise Band)
- Ushers: Dave Norman
- Worship Preparation Assistants: Beth Bostick, Nancy Day, Mary Lively, Sharon Norman, Brian Rigsbee, Ruth Stuart
- Worship Security: Bob Fraley, Walt Hundley
- Worship Services: Pastor Heather Husted
Pillar: Reaching Beyond our Walls (led by Bill Crist and Pastor Heather Husted)
- Adopt-a-Family Chair: Heidi Rigsbee (Learn more! Adopt-a-Family)
- Back-to-School Drive: Pastor Heather Husted
- Blessings in a Bottle: Rhonda Crist and Lee Ann Elsworth
- Enon Apple Butter Festival Bean Soup Booth: Jim Smith
- Boy Scout Liaison: Pastor Jeff Mohr (Learn more! Boy Scouts)
- Girl Scouts Liaison: VACANT–Volunteer today!
- Growing Knights Ministry: Bill and Rhonda Crist (Leads), Mike and April Bennett, Suzie Clendenin, Bill and Kari Howard, Bob and Mary Lively, Pastor Jeff and Patti Mohr, Sharee Nieder, Dave and Sharon Norman, Mike and Kathy Ranft, Jim and Kay Smith, Tami Smith, Lin Tranter, Bill and Carol Watchorn, Judy Webb
- Karen Chrisley Scholarship Committee: Al Bailey, Mike Bennett, Carolyn Parker, Carol Watchorn (Learn more! Karen Chrisley Scholarship)
- Prayer Shawl Ministry: Mary-Ellen Lindsey (Leader), Sherry Castin, Jan Cathcart, Kari Howard, Peg Jessup, Bernie Jines, Sharee Nieder, Heidi Rigsbee, Laura Smith, Jo Ann Steinberger, Fern Thielen, Lin Tranter (Learn more! Prayer Shawl Ministry)
- Socksgiving: Pastor Heather Husted
- Wonder Wreath: Carol Watchorn
Pillar: Tending God’s House (Trustees) (led by Dave Norman)
Dave Norman (Chair), Dave Case, Margaret Clonch, Bill Howard, Christa Huffenberger, Don Leonard, Bob Lively, Mike Ranft, Rich Rigsbee
Webmaster: Paula Wieser (email Webmaster)
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 10/3/2024