Spiritual Gifts Seminar

Spiritual Gifts are bestowed on each of us. Do you know what yours are? Would you like to learn what they are? We’d like to help you find out what they are and share how you can use them in service!
Spiritual gifts are not your talents or skills. They are the grace of God at work within you, empowering you to match your deep passions with the world’s deep need. The gifts are given to each of us, but they are given to build and strengthen community and to meet the needs of those around us. The UMC offers this inventory to help you identify your gifts. After you answer the series of questions, your results will be presented to you.
What are the gifts? The 20 gifts are those listed within the Pauline epistles to Rome, Ephesus, and Corinth (Romans 12, Ephesians 4, 1 Corinthians 12–13) and recognized by the first-century church. While all of life is a gift from God, these twenty gifts are lifted up within Scripture as the gifts of the Spirit, given specifically for the upbuilding of the body of Christ. The gifts are: Administration, Apostleship, Compassion, Discernment, Evangelism, Exhortation, Faith, Giving, Healing, Helping, Interpretation of Tongues, Knowledge, Leadership, Miracles, Prophecy, Servanthood, Shepherding, Teaching, Tongues, and Wisdom. Learn more about these gifts.
Enon UMC’s Spiritual Gift Assessments Team (April Bennett, Kathy Ranft, Carol Watchorn, and Paula Wieser) has created a seminar to help you identify your gifts and discern how to use your gifts in service. The beta training seminar with the Administrative Council and Nominations Committee was completed in early August 2021. This is how the Seminar is structured:
Day 1: Discovering Spiritual Gifts. In this session, we’ll talk about the Spiritual Gifts and how we are particularly suited to certain service areas based on our gifts. The Holy Spirit not only gives the gifts but also stirs our desire to use these gifts. This session includes some discussion time as well as support and encouragement. (This session is followed by a week of prayerful consideration.)
Day 2: Discerning our Call. This session focuses primarily on what you’ve discovered during your week of prayerful consideration. Perhaps you are already serving in your calling, or perhaps you are feeling nudged in a slightly different direction. Understanding your Spiritual Gifts and how they fit into various service areas in Enon UMC will help you discern your next steps and encourage others in their callings. For more detail, see the Enon UMC Ministry and Spiritual Gifts Matrix.
Watch for announcements about upcoming Enon UMC Spiritual Gifts Seminars!
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 2/4/2024