Volunteer Opportunities
Enon UMC has many service opportunities for your interests and talents! Sign up to serve today!
Your spiritual gifts can help you with any of these opportunities! Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? Do you want to find out what they are? If you took a Spiritual Gifts Inventory in the past, did you know your gifts can change over time? Find out what your spiritual gifts are by taking a Spiritual Gifts Inventory! We have also assembled a complete list of volunteer opportunities in our Ministry and Spiritual Gifts Matrix.
Acolytes: These volunteers support our Nurture Ministry as part of our Worship team. Acolytes perform the important functions of bringing the light of Jesus into the sanctuary at the beginning of each worship service, lighting the altar candles, and carrying the light of Jesus out into the world at the end of worship. Acolytes have to be tall enough to reach the candles (or can use a stool) and be mature enough to handle the candle lighter (which has a flame at the end). Youth at least 9 or 10 years old generally meet these guidelines. Contact April Bennett for more information. (Posted: June 2021)
Children’s Sunday School Teachers: These volunteers support our Nurture Ministry as part of our Christian Education team and work with our littlest members. We subscribe to an ongoing curricula package, so you can dive right in and help lead little people to Jesus! Contact Lin Tranter or Tami Smith for more information. (Posted: May 2021)
Communion Stewards: These volunteers support our Nurture Ministry as part of our Worship team and assist with serving Communion elements during worship services. Sign up in the Lobby or contact the Church Office. (Posted: December 2021)
FaceBook Live-Stream Moderators: These volunteers support our Nurture Ministry as part of our Worship team. On Sunday morning, moderators greet and engage with FaceBook visitors, share prayer requests, etc. Contact Mike Bennett for more information. (Posted: February 2022)
Greeters: Are you a people person? These volunteers support our Nurture Ministry as part of our Worship team and give Sunday morning worshippers a warm “Love Grows Here” type of greeting at the door! The sign-up sheet is in the Lounge. Contact April Bennett for more information. (Posted: May 2021)
Historian: This volunteer documents Enon UMC’s history. We have a detailed published history already, and you can pick right up where it left off! Contact the Administrative Council Chair for more information. (Posted: May 2021)
Liturgists: These volunteers support our Nurture Ministry as part of our Worship team. The Liturgist welcomes the congregation, reviews announcements, and reads scripture during Sunday services. You’ll even have a lectern to stand behind! Be brave and lead! Sign up in the Lobby or contact April Bennett for more information. (Posted: May 2021)
Nursery Volunteers: These volunteers support our Nurture Ministry as part of our Worship support. Volunteers assist in the care of our littlest visitors. Contact Vickie Nickles for more information. (Posted: March 2022)
Offering Counters: Are you good with arithmetic? These volunteers support our Finance Committee and assist the Financial Secretary in counting donations and tithes each Sunday after worship. Contact the Finance Committee Chair to volunteer or for more information. (Posted: May 2021)
Security Monitors: These volunteers support our Nurture ministry as part of our Worship team and monitor doors during worship services to ensure no unauthorized entry. Contact the Administrative Council Chair to volunteer or for more information. (Posted: June 2021)
Ushers: These volunteers support our Nurture Ministry as part of our Worship team and assist with donation collections. Sign up in the Lobby or contact the Church Office. (Posted: December 2021)
Worship Tech Support: These volunteers support our Nurture Ministry as part of our Worship team. Three behind-the-scenes positions enable live-streaming of our worship services: On-Screen Presentation Computer Operator, Audio Technician, and Video Director. Contact Mike Bennett for more information. (Posted: May 2021)
Don’t see anything of interest above? Tell Pastor Heather
how we can help fulfill your desire to serve!
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 2/19/2024