Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Enon UMC Prayer Shawl Ministry was started in September 2005 by Jan Cathcart, Mary-Ellen Lindsey, and Lin Tranter and celebrated its 17th year of ministry on Sunday, 9/25/2022. The current points of contact are Mary-Ellen, Lin, and Kari Howard.
Shirley Farmer received the first prayer shaw, knitted by Lin, that same month. The next month, Etta (Stearns) Royer received the second prayer shawl, crafted by Mary-Ellen. Etta’s shawl had some angel pins which covered beginner’s mistakes. A total of ten prayer shawls were given in 2005. During the first five years’ of ministry, a total of 766 knitted and crocheted shawls, 195 baby and youth hats, 10 confirmation stoles, 71 baby afghans, and 5 pairs of booties were made. The ministry expanded in July 2010 to include baby packages and 148 pocket prayer shawls (which are included with all prayer shawls and baby packages).
Within this ministry, our seamstresses have made beautiful baby quilts, including some with counted cross-stitch; lap robes, throws, baby bibs, burp cloths, receiving blankets, stuffed animals, tooth fairy pillows, baby’s first books, and pocket prayer shawls. Those who knit and crochet have made prayer shawls, lap robes, afghans, baby and youth hats, lanyards for Vacation Bible School, wheelchair purses, confirmation stoles, pocket prayer shawls, and many things for babies including afghans, booties, buntings, wash cloths, snuggles, bibs, and sweaters. Enon UMC ladies also craft hats, scarves, and mittens for our Christmas “mitten tree” destined for Greenon Local School District students.

(Many of our faithful prayer shawl-crafters were recognized on 9/25/2022)
Prayer shawls, which wrap individuals in God’s unconditional love, continue to be the main focus of this ministry. New ideas, suggestions, and changes have been–and continue to be–welcomed and included. A total of 81 women, plus two churches and one group (our former American Heritage Girls), have contributed a variety of items to include and expand gifts in mission. Two artists designed and contributed beautiful cards, and another person makes and contributes Comfort Cards, which are included with every gift.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry has touched thousands of lives. Phyllis McConnell gave them to her hospital patients. Adkins Funeral Home (Enon) provided them to grieving families. Faith Christian Book Store (Fairborn) had a basket of pocket prayer shawls by their “sitting chairs.” Knob Prairie Church (Enon) made them available for congregants. Husted Farm Market made them available for customers, and one customer takes them to a nursing home. New locations in 2023 are Knight’s Nutrition and The Color Loft. There is also a full Prayer Shawl ministry display at the Enon Senior Center by the IGA. Pocket prayer shawls are also provided to parents and children participating in our summer music camp, Enon Fire and EMS department, Enon Village employees, Clark County Sheriff’s department, Enon Emergency Relief food pantry volunteers, Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, and they are added to Christmas Eve goodie plates distributed to area businesses.
This ministry includes, and depends upon, the entire Enon UMC congregation! Prayer is at the center of this ministry, and monetary donations sustain postage and supplies. The ministry needs our prayers for those making and delivery items as well as those receiving items. The ministry also needs our ears to hear the hearts of those around us and hands to act on those needs by requesting a “gift of unconditional love” for hand-delivery or mailing.
Prayer Shawls are blessed in the Sanctuary at both services on the fourth Sunday of each month. During the blessing, congregants come to the altar rail, lay hands on these beautiful shawls, and pray for those who will receive them. Enon UMC women have created an extraordinary number of hand-crafted items in this ministry. If you want to help, we keep a supply of yarn, needles, and patterns in Room 6 of the Marti Ventolo Education Wing. As of 5/31/2023, the following numbers of items have been produced in this ministry:
– 3,994 prayer shawls and baby blankets
– 16,252 pocket prayer shawls
– 1,167 other items

Prayer shawls make great gifts for special nurses, hospital caregivers, a friend’s birthday, a grocery store employee, your dentist office staff, or nursing home employees. Prayer shawls can even be provided anonymously! Scroll down for more information on how to request a shawl.
How do I get a prayer shawl or pocket prayer shawl?
Pocket prayer shawls are available in baskets in the Lounge and Lobby or in the Enon UMC office.
1. Prayer shawls are available from the rack in the Lounge. For your convenience, gift bags, cards, and “Good Grief” books ae on the second shelf of the bookcase. Pick up a Pocket Prayer Shawl to include in the bag as well as a few extras as they are nice for sharing.
2. Fill out a request card (in pew racks or on bulletin board by elevator). Return the request card to the knitted pouch, put in the offertory plate, slip into the “PSM” mailbox, give to/mail to/email the Church Office (include your name and phone number, to whom to send the package, and the delivery address).
3. Contact Mary-Ellen Lindsey, Lin Tranter, or the Enon UMC Office.
4. Stop by the Enon Senior Center by the IGA–inside is a full Prayer Shawl Ministry display.
I am not an Enon UMC member–can I still request a prayer shawl for someone?
Yes, we would be glad to provide a prayer shawl. Simply contact the Enon UMC Church Office and provide the requestor’s name and phone number or complete our on-line prayer request form. Someone will get back with you.
How do I get involved in this ministry?
Do you want to participate or learn how to create a prayer shawl? Drop by a monthly fellowship gathering on the second Tuesday of each month from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the Lounge.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry needs your help! Here’s what you can do:
1. Pray for those giving of their time and talent to make these items.
2. Pray about learning to knit and/or crochet.
3. Pray for those who will receive these gifts.
4. Request a special package for pick-up, delivery, or mailing. God’s gifts are free to all! (Contact Mary-Ellen Lindsey or the Enon UMC Office.)
5. Donate money for supplies and/or postage (this ministry is not, and has never been, part of the Enon UMC budget. Just annotate your gift “Prayer Shawl Ministry.”)
6. Donate yarn. Our favorite yarn is 4-ply “Love That Yarn” at Hobby Lobby. Get 12 to 14 ounces of the same color for one prayer shawl. Leave on the counter in the Mission Room, drop off at the Enon UMC Office, or give to Kari Howard. Keep your eye out for garage sale yarn! The ministry can mix colors and use single skeins of any 4-ply yarns. If friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc., have yarn that needs a home, this is the place for it!
7. Make items. Most contributors work at home at their convenience. Be sure to tag items with your name for record-keeping purposes. If you want to use the item personally, place a note on it — it will find its way back to you.
8. Share your stories of using these “gifts of love” in outreach. Every “thank you” received has been printed in the Parish Voice over the years.
9. Share your ideas and questions! Those in this ministry like to think outside the box, and your suggestions will be most welcome!
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 2/19/2024