UMCH Family Services is a ministry of the United Methodist Church started in 2008 which helps Ohio children who have been abused, neglected, or who have mental illnesses. Through treatment foster care, they provide homes for these children. Through adoption services, they find homes. Through family mental health services, they strengthen homes. UMCH works to fortify these children and families who want to learn how to become stronger and healthier. Your donations help bring healing and wholeness to children who have experienced unfair challenges. You can support UMCH by giving $5 and marking your gift “$5 on the 5th.”
The year 2020 was UMCH’s biggest year of growth, as a record number of churches stepped up to own this ministry after learning about the urgent need. Through this campaign, if every member of every church within the West Ohio Conference gave $5 on each fifth Sunday, UMCH would be able to close the financial gap between what is supplied and what it actually costs to give the quality care they provide to children in need.
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 3/6/2024