Enon Emergency Relief (EER) Enon Emergency Relief (EER)

EER held its first meeting on February 3, 1962, with representatives from the Enon UMC, Knob Prairie United Church of Christ, the Fire Bells, the Lions and Lioness organizations, the Firemen’s Association, the VFW and the VFW Auxiliary, and the Enon Village Mayor. The first officers elected were Chairman, Bernice Cottingham; Vice Chairman, Jacki Hauter; and Secretary-Treasurer, Cleota Hartman. That first year, a total of 11 families received Christmas help. EER was incorporated as a non-profit organization in July 1962. The stated purpose of the organization is “to furnish and give such aid as is necessary for the immediate preservation of human life and welfare arising from emergency situations within Enon and the adjacent territory.”
EER has continued to grow and to provide “one-stop” service for emergency relief (food and financial assistance) and referrals to the people of the Greenon Local School District. Now, as then, the organization is staffed entirely by volunteers. Enon UMC provides funding, food, and volunteer support. EER relies on the local community for donations and food needed to provide emergency assistance. Food is mainly provided from food drives sponsored by the Enon Post Office, local Boy Scout troops, local churches, the school district, and private citizens. One previous Boy Scout drive provided over 2,500 items including toothbrushes and other personal hygiene products and cans, boxes, and bottles of food. Another Enon Post Office food collection provided over 2,400 pounds of food.
EER runs United States Department of Agriculture Commodity Distributions for “over 60” recipients each month and coordinates the community Christmas Adopt-A-Family program. EER hours are posted on the EER FaceBook page. After storing donations in various basements and in building space donated by Jim Miller Furniture and later by Dr. Joel Vanderglas, the EER moved into the current building at 105 North Scott Street in January 2000. All of the funding and volunteer labor for construction of the pantry was donated by local people and various area businesses and foundations.
EER pantry address: 105 N Scott St, ENON OH 45323
EER phone: (937) 864-5555
Monetary donations: Mail to P.O. Box 121, ENON OH 45323
EER donations: Drop off at the Enon UMC office during office hours (see Contact Us) or at EER pantry on Monday afternoons from 1:30-5:00 p.m. (If Monday is a federal holiday, drop off will be on Tuesday that week.)
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 3/14/2024