Christian Education Christian Education Christian Education

Mike Fewell leads the “Let’s Talk About the Bible” adult Sunday School class. Back in the 1980s, Ben Stearns and Bill Yowler would talk about the Bible every Sunday morning. Over time, they were joined by many of our Enon UMC family. Mike feels honored to be continuing their tradition since he started leading the class in 2010. Class starts with scripture from the Adult Bible Studies series and continues with 45 minutes of exploring what the events and lives found in the scripture meant then and what they mean for our lives today. There is no class solution. We are each a pilgrim on our individual journey and respectful of the journeys of each other. Class is held in Roth Hall in the meeting area adjacent to the kitchen and via Zoom (contact class leader to join Zoom).

April Bennett leads the Bennett adult Sunday School class, which originally started under the leadership of her father-in-law, Gerry Bennett. The class meets in the Marti Ventolo Education Wing Room 2.
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of: 3/14/2024