Boy Scouts

Enon UMC proudly hosts the Lagonda District of the Boy Scouts of America Tecumseh Council. The units listed below all meet at and are supported by Enon UMC.

Cub Scout Pack 36FP (Family Pack): This unit was first chartered in 1956. This is a family unit allowing both boys and girls in grades K-5 (approximate ages 5-12). The Pack is broken up into smaller gender groups called Dens which often meet, plan, and participate together. More information is available on the Pack’s FaceBook page. Point of Contact: Cubmaster Greg Spieker, (937) 244-6704,

Troop 17: The Troop has two units which meet, plan, and participate in most functions together. Troop 17B was first chartered in 1944 and is for boys ages 12 to 18. Troop 17G was first chartered in 2019 and is for girls ages 12 to 18. Joint meetings are held on Monday nights, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Roth Hall. (COVID-19 update: Meetings currently held at the Enon VFW.) More information is available on the Troop’s FaceBook page. Point of Contact: Scoutmaster Jay Crowe, (937) 272-8843, Read about Eagle Scout Kris Collingsworth’s Eagle Scout project, the Memorial Paver Garden.

Venture Crew 444: This unit was first chartered in 2011. It is open to boys and girls ages 14-21. It is a single unit that plans high-adventure trips for their members.
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 2/19/2024