UM Student Day

In The United Methodist Church, United Methodist (UM) Student Day is one of six Special Sundays with offerings supporting a particular ministry. On the last Sunday in November, our designated gifts benefit over 300 students a year who are pursuing opportunities in higher education.
UM Student Day began in 1936 when a college education could be attained for $450 annually. Today, that same education costs an average of $23,000 each year. The United Methodist Church believes that every person has the right to education and that the responsibility of educating young people rests with the family, faith communities, and the government. On this special Sunday, we have the opportunity to support scholarships and low-interest loans that help young leaders achieve their dreams.
Combined UM Student Day donation history (toward ministries funded by this special Sunday offering):
2020: Pending
2019: $370,123 These donations help provide for over 70 scholarships available for United Methodist students to further their education and enrich the life of the church. These donations are administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. Learn more about United Methodist Student Day in the video below. See our Give page for guidance on special donations.
“Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education” — Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 2/2/2024