School of Discipleship

Enon UMC School of Discipleship
The mission statement of the United Methodist Church is: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. But what is a disciple? In simple terms, a disciple is one who is in a close, active relationship with their teacher. In scripture, these teachers were known as Rabbis. The purpose of that relationship is for disciples to learn from their Rabbi through proximity and observation so as to become like their Rabbi. In other words, a disciple looks to their teacher in order to see the world as their teacher sees, to understand scripture as their teacher understands, to treat others as their teacher does, to love as their teacher loves. A disciple’s goal in life is to become like their teacher. As Christians, our teacher, our Rabbi, is Jesus. We look to Jesus in community in order to be more like him and to establish God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Here at Enon UMC, we seek to be intentional with this learning process. We want to set before all who seek to become disciples and grow in their Christian disciplines a pathway of growth. And so, we are launching the Enon UMC School of Discipleship. This school will offer opportunities to learn and grow as a Disciple of Jesus Christ. The classes have different formats. Some may be may be one or two-day workshops and others may be Bible studies. Following is the list of classes. Watch the Parish Voice for information on upcoming sessions.
What We Believe
In Christian tradition, we consider the events of Pentecost found in the first chapters of Acts to be the “birth of the church.” Have you ever wondered why the church today looks so different from the church described in Acts? How did Christians go from meeting in small groups in individual houses to worshipping in large sanctuaries? And, have you ever wondered what the basic beliefs are of the Christian Church? Or how we, as United Methodist Christians, have come to practice those beliefs in our current context? Then this class is for you!
In What We Believe, Pastor Heather Husted will lead you through scripture and history in order to understand our Christian narrative. After this course, you should be able to have a basic understanding of the universal church (all Christians everywhere) and the unique expression of the church called United Methodism.
Being a Christian and growing into a disciple is not an individual activity. God calls us to be united in heart and purpose so that we can join together to strengthen one another and help equip one another as the Body of Christ called “church” works to establish God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. But, unity does not translate into uniformity. Each one of us is a unique child of God, and each is given unique gifts that are to be used for the building of God’s kingdom and the edification of Christ’s church. 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 says, Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.
This seminar is facilitated by a group of church leaders. In this seminar you will gain a basic understanding of the variety of Spiritual Gifts given by God through the Holy Spirit. You will begin to discover and unwrap your individual Spiritual Gifts and explore how you can use them to build up our church as we seek to do what God is calling us to do here in the community of Enon OH.
Spiritual Formation Groups
Did you know that the Methodist movement originally centered around small groups? In these groups, four to eight Christians would gather together on a regular basis to check in with one another. They would ask questions like: How is it with your soul? How are you using your gifts and talents to serve Jesus? What are you struggling with that is keeping you from feeling connected to God or doing what God is calling you to do?
This seminar will provide you with a working knowledge of the importance of being part of a Spiritual Formation Group. What is needed for a group to be considered a Spiritual Formation Group and not just another group of friends that meets once in a while? How can you get involved with existing groups or work to establish a new formation group? Worship on Sunday is a big part of our growth as disciples, but it is vital that we are in an intentional group that knows us and cares for us and can hold us accountable to what God is doing in our individual lives.
Bible Study: “Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again” (Book by Rachel Held Evans)
In this book, the author, “…hopes to show how the Bible can be captivating and true when taken on its own terms, avoiding strict literalism on the one hand and safe, disinterested liberalism on the other. “
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 2/2/2024