Vickie Nickles leads this ministry for Enon UMC.
During our worship service, we offer a nursery behind the Sanctuary lobby for infant to three-year-old children. Enon UMC’s Safe Sanctuary Policy is followed, so parents can rest assured infants and toddlers will be supervised by two adults (or one adult and one teenager).
Please do not leave a child in the nursery until two volunteers are present. Parents (or responsible adult) will be asked to “sign in” their child upon dropping him/her off and “sign out” their child upon picking him/her up. If the parents are unknown to the nursery volunteers, the same parent should drop off and pick up. For the safety of all children, no child may be picked up by a sibling. The parent (or responsible adult) must remain on the Enon UMC grounds in case of accident or illness. In the event that nursery volunteers are unable to comfort an upset child, the parent (or responsible adult) will be retrieved.
Our Christian faith calls us to welcome and protect the little ones. For the safety of all children, we ask that you do not allow them to travel from one area of the church to another alone. We strongly encourage parents at all times to keep your children either with you or in a supervised area of the building.
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 3/6/2024