Back-to-School Sunday

Enon UMC serves our Greenon Local students not only with our prayers but also with robust support for our Growing Knights ministry. On Back-to-School Sunday, we welcome and bless Greenon teachers, administrators, staff, and students.
Over the summer, Enon UMC parishioners donate school supplies specific to the needs of each K-6 class as listed on the Greenon Local School District website. On this special Sunday, we distribute the supplies as well as book bags. In 2022, we collected 70 supply kits, extra school supplies, and monetary donations for backpacks. Greenon guidance counselors passed out the school supplies at the school’s Open House.
Be sure to watch the home page of this website for announcements specific to this worship service next year!
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 2/19/2024