Our Goals

Enon UMC Our Goals

In their hearts humans plan their course,
    but the Lord establishes their steps — Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)

Our goals at Enon UMC are founded on two principles:

“To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world”
— United Methodist Church mission

“To become the congregation that Prays together, Grows together, Serves together, and Shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ in and outside our walls”
— Enon UMC vision

Our 2022 goals are called SMART goals (SMART = Simply Stated, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely). Pastor Heather and SPRC set the goals as follows:

  1. Lay Leadership Development that includes:
    a. Leadership Development and Vision Casting Retreat
    b. Development of a three-year plan that includes ministry goals; desired outcomes; and a vision-driven, balanced budget
    c. Identification of the next generation of leadership
  2. Responsive Worship Opportunities
    a. Developing opportunities for people to engage with worship beyond Sunday mornings
    b. Intentionally designed worship services that provide spaces for participation and response
    c. Develop “non-traditional” worship opportunities
  3. Community Engagement
    a. Nurture relationships with the families of our Scouting and Growing Knights ministries
    b. Family Worship Service
  4. Develop clear discipleship pathways that include courses on:
    a. Basic Christian and Methodist beliefs
    b. Spiritual Gifts Assessment
    c. Small Group Development

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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 10/3/2024