Connectional Giving Connectional Giving

Connectional giving is faith in action and knowing that when many people and churches come together and combine resources, we can accomplish big things around the world in Jesus Christ’s name. The United Methodist Church supports apportioned and designated funds through connectional gifting from our global denomination of more than 12 million members across four continents.
Each year, the annual conference establishes a budget and a method for apportioning that budget across all the congregations of the conference. A church’s apportionments are based on three factors: its membership, its operating expenses, and the conference budget–relative to all other churches in the annual conference. Church membership is weighted 1/3 and church operating expenses 2/3. Apportionments are calculated based upon each church’s membership and expenses at the close of the preceding year, accepted at the annual conference of the current year, then billed in December for the following year. Interested in learning more? Read a detailed primer on United Methodist Apportionments published in 2019.
In 2021, there were seven funds supported via apportionments. Learn more about them:
- Africa University Fund
- Black College Fund
- Episcopal Fund
- General Administration Fund
- Interdenominational Cooperation Fund
- Ministerial Education Fund
- World Service Fund
Want to learn more about what is–and what is not–funded via apportionments? Read “Does the UMC Fund…?”
Enon UMC’s 2023 apportionment was based on reported year-end 2021 data. In 2021, we reported 321 members and $172,469 in operating expenses. Our 2023 giving share was $32,660.
Enon UMC’s 2022 apportionment was based on reported year-end 2020 data. In 2020, we reported 345 members and $170,214 in operating expenses. Our 2022 giving share was $33,223.
Enon UMC’s 2021 apportionment was based on reported year-end 2019 data. In 2019, we reported 374 members and $207,650 in operating expenses. Our 2021 giving share was $39,147.
Enon UMC’s 2020 apportionment was based on reported year-end 2018 data. In 2018, we reported 452 members and $227,941 in operating expenses. Our 2020 giving share was $44,651.
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 3/6/2024