Adopt-A-Family Auction Adopt-A-Family Auction

The Enon community conducts an annual Adopt-a-Family program at Christmas time. Enon Emergency Relief administers the program, which matches families who need assistance with local churches, organizations, and families willing to help. Enon UMC has adopted families since this program began many years ago, and we typically adopt 12-15 families each year (as many as 40 people). Opportunities for the congregation to provide gifts for family members are announced as soon as information is available. In addition, food is collected for four Sundays to split among the families.
Enon UMC’s big fundraising event to buy extra food, gifts, and gas cards is our Adopt-A-Family auction. Donations of handmade items and homemade food are auctioned off on the 2nd or 3rd Saturday in November–anyone can participate, as long as items are hand-made. Some of these homemade items fetch extraordinary prices! In 2019, our auction raised well over $3,000, and we supported ten families which included 21 adults, 19 children, and two new babies.
Please consider donating, attending the auction, volunteering to help sort and assemble the food and gifts, or being a Shepherd who delivers food and gifts to our adopted families. Auction night will be an evening of laughter and some fierce competition to see who wins the highest bid!
How can my family be adopted? Contact Enon Emergency Relief for guidance.
Non-perishables needed! Watch for instructions in November/December about dropping the types of items below off in the Lobby or at the Church Office:
Shampoo, deodorant, bar soap, and hand soap
Dish detergent, laundry soap, and cleaning supplies
Toilet paper, tissues, and paper towels
Personal care items for men and women
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 2/2/2024