Festival of Sharing Festival of Sharing

The Festival of Sharing in Ohio began in November of 1987 as a joint effort of the West Ohio Annual Conference and Church World Service (CWS). For many years, the event was held annually at the Clark County Fairgrounds. Several years ago, the partnership switched from Church World Service to Otterbein University. Congregants are asked to provide such things as health kits, school kits, relief supplies, and flood buckets.
By supporting CWS Kits, you’re turning hope into action. Your kits mean communities–and the precious families they represent–will receive help when they need it this year. The needs are great–the last few years have left more and more people suffering in the wake of disasters in the U.S. and around the world. Families are fleeing violence and harsh climates in unprecedented numbers; but in this time of rising needs, the faithful come forward to serve.
In the past, hygiene kits were sent after the Dayton tornadoes, to the Cherry Street Mission in Toledo, and to a mid-Ohio food bank. School kits were shipped to Franklinton in Columbus. During the collection period, Enon UMC will be assembling hygiene kits and school kits. All kit items must be new, and no extra items can be added including personal notes, artwork, decorating kits with religious or government symbols, etc. Drop finished kits off at the Enon UMC Office, in Room 6 of the Marti Ventolo Education Wing, or leave in the marked box in the lobby.
In 2022, Enon UMC provided 19 hygiene kits and 19 school kits. In 2021, Enon UMC provided 61 hygiene kits and 27 school kits. Once received, kits are boxed and delivered to Northridge Methodist. From there, they will be transported to the Festival of Sharing being held in the middle of September at Otterbein University.
Learn how to assemble a hygiene kit by watching the video on this page. We have plenty of school tote bags on hand for school kits on the counter in Room 6. You can pick up finished school tote bags to fill with supplies or just put supplies into a zip-type bag or grocery bag, and we will see that they get into a school tote.

Make a Hygiene Kit. Put the following items into a one-gallon zip bag:
1 hand towel, 15″ x 28″ to 16″ x 32″ (no bath towels, dish towels, fingertip towels, or microfiber towels)
1 washcloth
1 wide-tooth comb with at least 6″ of teeth (no pocket combs or picks)*
1 fingernail or toenail clipper*
1 bath-size bar of soap, in original package
1 toothbrush, in original package
10 standard size Band-Aids
* Item must be removed from original packaging

Make a School Kit. Put the following items into a cotton school bag (no reusable shopping bags, bags with logos, or backpacks):
1 pair blunt scissors (rounded tip)*
3 70-page bound notebooks (or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages)
1 ruler, 12″/30cm
1 handheld pencil sharpener*
1 large eraser (no cap erasers)*
6 new unsharpened pencils with erasers held together with rubber band
1 box of 24 Crayons (only 24!)
* Item must be removed from original packaging
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Enon UMC is part of the Western Lakes District of the West Ohio Conference of the UMC
Page current as of 2/2/2024